Dh was feeling energetic and he turned all the soil in my garden. I then kidnapped Kiki and dragged her first to the dress shop to find a dress for tomorrow. Would you believe my 13-year old does not own even one dress? Well now she does. It's really cute on her. Kiki said she likes it because it's green and because it makes her look like she has boobs. lol Shocked the heck out of me!
So after dress shopping, we went to the gardening store and bought my garden plants: peppers and tomatoes. We also bought 2 flats of annual flowers. One each of pink snapdragons

We also got some bulbs for the front. The way I feel about gardening, is that it is okay for me to bend over and dig in the dirt in my private backyard. However, I don't want to have to fuss each year to make my front yard look nice. The neighbors don't need to see me bend over and dig in my garden. So the bulbs will mean that I don't have to replant my front yard each year but have it look nice year after year with pretty flowers. Right now I have hyacinths which are blooming in the front of my garden. They smell heavenly and are right outside my living room window.

For the front parts of our garden, we got anemone bulbs. It's a mix and the flowers are white, red, purple and fushia. It's for the front part of the garden because they only grow about a foot high.

Then comes the middle part of the garden beds. I have some perenial plants in already but they are early to late spring flowers. So, to add something to the summer season I got liatris, which is a purple spiky looking thing.

We also got tigridia, which needs a photo because it is very unique looking flower.

Then for the back part of the garden in the front yard. The idea is to plant the tall plants in back, the mid height in the middle and the low in the front. Kind of like chorus where the tall ones have to stand in the back and the short, cute girls get to stand in the front. :rock :snicker (Yes, I was the gangly looking tall girl relegated to the back row!)
I got a mix of oriental lillies, which include the stargazer lillies that I like so much.

There are some white and light pink lillies that are also oriental lillies. Oriental lillies grow from a bulb and tend to not spread and go all over the place like daylillies often do. However, the bulbs often will grow little babies over many years and if you dig them up and separate the babies from the parent and replant every 5 years or so, you'll get more.
I also got some tiger lilies. They bloom earlier than the oriental lilies which should help to keep my garden interesting.

Both the lilies that I got will get to about 3.5 to 4 feet tall. That's why they go in back.
Then I got sone dinnerplate dahlias. I got lavendar ones and pink ones. They grow about 3.5 to 4 feet tall and the blooms are the size of a dinnerplate!

This next picture shows how big they get! Bigger than a child's face. Amazing, huh?
Then I got sone dinnerplate dahlias. I got lavendar ones and pink ones. They grow about 3.5 to 4 feet tall and the blooms are the size of a dinnerplate!

This next picture shows how big they get! Bigger than a child's face. Amazing, huh?

To finish off the plants in back, I got some red and yellow cannas. They get up to 5 feet tall. Here's a picture of some red ones.

I haven't planted my bulbs yet but we did everything in the back yard, except for some of my large round pots. I actually ran out of flowers for those so I'll go back and get a few more flats early next week. I'm planning to do the bulbs in the front yard Monday. Vi was great today helping me plant my veggies and annual flowers. :awe When we were all done, she cried and cried. Poor baby!
Now I am off to tailor Blake's pants for tomorrow. My boy is making his first holy communion!
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