Saturday, December 26, 2009

Okay so I'm a bad blogger

Oh, so infrequent in my blog entries! November completely was off the wall for me. I had two serious medical problems and was in the hospital on and off for a month! Nearly losing your pancreas and liver is very scary. I'm completely okay now and very grateful for a healthy body and a great family. I missed the kids terribly since the hospital didn't allow visits at first!

My oldest is going to be 14 at the end of January. I'm too young for this. Mentally speaking I think! Blake is 9 years old and as energetic as ever. My dd Vi will be 4 at the end of April. Kristen, 13 is getting her Confirmation in May. They grow up so fast!

My mother started in real estate and had her first closing! She has another one set to close and has her first listing! I'm so incredibly proud of her! My mom is so quiet and reserved that I wasn't sure if this was a fit for her. However, she is really proving herself. She stuck with it even when she didn't succeed at first.

I got out of public accounting. I now work 40 hours a week instead of 80 and got a bump in salary. My coworkers are friendly. Imagine that! The cool thing is that I work 3 minutes from my sister's house so I've stopped by for lunch sometimes!

1 comment:

Alexis Jacobs said...

I am glad you like your new job. Emily is 14 today ((sigh)) Makes me feel so OLD.